1969: first man on moon. 66-years from first flight to first man on moon.
Truly a great feat. Great feat to be remembered forever.

See primative, backward ugly writing system in background.
Election: All needed is: 1. paper with names 2. pencil for free-vote by free-citizens.

Number mass killer of 20th. century.

Picking his nose in china: embarassment to china, to the human race.
From baby-emperor to red chicken emperor to jiang zemin picking his nose. Image in public domain. Free open to world.

Open your eyes. Look by the eyeballs. Human senses. What retard. what idiot invented such backward, primative, ugly writing system.
No food to eat in the 1950s and 1960s and the retards uses 5000-10000 characters for writing.
First Western encounter with china: many missionaries said: who the devil who invented china-writing.
Nations of sheeps cows chicken would allow such backward, primative system to continue.
1. Primative
2. Barbaric
3. Ugly.

Confucius: mind-control, brain-washing. Nation of mindless zombie idiots. Rote-memorization of confucius retarded china for 2000 years.
Free china. Free citizen
Free market Free trade
Free china in a Free world.
PD. Public Domain blog for a free world.