24 November 2009

CJK: China Japan Korea... 1. Where did writing system come from? 2. Why does Anyone continue to use such backward system of writing. 21st. Century.

oopium in china. sick man of asia. opium addict of china.
confucius: dead for 2000 years. The dead should be buried in a big big big hole forever.

china: sick man of asia.
china: century of humiliation. what is the cause? what is truth?
china: cultural diease of china.
what has china been doing for last 500-1000 years. worshipping a dead corpse. body of a mass-killer.
what has china been doing for the last 500-1000 years. Not much of anything.ugly chinaman. what is cause for poverty and backwardness of china.
1969: man on moon. 66-years from first flight to first man on moon. 66-years from flight to man on the moon. Truly a great achievement.
1903: first flight at kitty hawk
Nobel prize in 2009 to charles kao for fiber optics. Digital data as light. Light as data. No need for 5000 characters or turtle shells.

note: egypt used pictures. alphabet-based system used by the greeks, roman-empire and jews of present-day israel. No need for thousands of characters.
numbers: system of numbers based on number eight. eight can give out all the numbers in the number system.
101010101010101010. magic of two. digital revolution based on number two. on-off. high-low. open-closed. just the magic number two.
Digital-age in 21. century. why would a nation rely on writing from thousands years ago. Imagine stuck with DOS 1.0. Time to abolish primative, barbaric, ugly system of writing.
1. where did come from?
2. why does anyone continue with such barbaric system of writing.

korea, derivative from china. primative, barbaric, and ugly. where did it come from?
invented by the devil himself.
tragedy, nightmare from china. primative, barbaric ugly. where did it come from?

1. Nature-made. sun, sun, moon, plants, animals, dogs, fish whales. sun is the giver of life for all plants and animals on earth.

No sun, there would be no light, heat. All the plants, animals, and in fact fact the earth would disappear without the center of gravity of the sun. The sun is the only reason the earth even exists

2. Man-made. Male and Female. Man and woman.

cell phones
products sold at wal-mart and Target,

Korea.... world wants the truth.

1. Where did such backward, primative, barbaric system of writing come from.

2. Why does anyone continue to use such primativie, barbaric system of wrting.

china was the "sick man of asia" without either a scientific revolution or an industrial revolution.
what is the cause?
Look at the truth.
Look with eyeballs.

1 comment:

  1. blog and images in public domain
    PD... public domain
