24 November 2009

CHINA: Inferiority Complex in china. Does china suffer from an Inferiority Complex.?

1911: baby-emperor

1949: red emperor chicken mao mass killer of 40-50 million. True True True.

1989: army will send tanks to run citizens over.

May 4th. movement: science and democracy. science and free elections. free-vote.

No scientific revolution in china. Not a single Noble prize winner ever.

No National Assembly. Not a single election of free-vote, free ballot, free election.

No progress for 2000 years. 70%-80% are peasants living with cows, chicken sheeps.
life expectancy of 30-45 years old. embarssment to world. embarassment to human race.

Does china suffer from an inferiority complex. The simple answer is yes.

Yes, china does suffer from an inferiority complex.

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