1. primative
2. barbaric
3. dead.
Dig a deep deep deep deep hole and bury Hanzi. Dead language.

Dig a deep deep deep hole and bury confucius.
Dead Confucius: Dead 2000-3000 years. Age on earth: 60-80 life expectancy on earth.
Confucius dead for 2000 years. Dig a deep deep deep hole and bury confucius. Confucius dead for 2000 years.

Dig a deep deep deep hole and bury Chikin mao. Mao the red chicken.
Dead corpse on dispaly. Living guarding the dead. Mass-killer of 50-million.
China and Chinese should be ashamed dead-corpse on display. Dead 1976-forever.
Mao forever dead.
Free china Free citizen Free market Free world.
Free. Let's be Free. Dig a deep deep deep hole and bury the past forever.
Dead: 1. Cremate the dead. 2. Dig a hole and bury six feet under.
"Retain what is good. Discard what is bad. Add your contribution... " Bruce Lee.
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