02 December 2009

1. The Ugly Chinaman book. 2. River Elegey Sick Man of Asia. What the cause.

1. The Ugly chinaman by Bo Yang is Now in public view.
The internet has spread word about the ugly, backward, primative nature of chinese culture and chinese society.

2. River Elegy: TV documentary Now free, open to the world. Free video by google.

3. "Science and Democracy" No scientific revolution. No free elections.

Not a single election in a thousand years.

4. What is cause for "sick man of asia" "century of humiliation" "cultural diease"

5. Hanzi:

what is Hanzi?

where did Hanzi come from?

why does anyone used Hanzi.

6. Nobel Prize winners. How come Not a single Nobel prize winners in 100 years. A billion people have Not won a single Nobel prize in 100 years.

What is the cause of No nobel prize, No progress, No improvment in 100 years.

7. china: what is the cause of china poverty, backwardness, no progress. primative, backward. ugly writing system.

8. sick man of asia. will china continue to be the "sick man of asia"



future. what the future

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