Knowledge belongs to All people of the Earth.
"UNIFICATION" is the goal of all known Science. From the time of Isaac Newton, the great "works" have been about Unificaiton
1. Isaac Newton (gravity). From the fall of an apple to the movement of the star, planets, moon and the majestic movement of all the galaxies in the cosmos. One force makes it alible: Gravity. Gravity is what hold me and you to the ground. Gravity is the reason the cosmos can even exist.
2. James Clerk Maxwell (electro-magnetism) Unification of Electricity and Magnetism. Electricity and Magnestism are different aspect of the same force.
3. Albert Einstein (unification of space-time, energy-matter, space to gravitation). Further work in the forces, elements of Nature.
4. Charles Darwin & Alfred Wallace. Co-discoverer of "Natural selection" "Selection by Nature"
Unified man's place in the cosmos. Man is Not different from Nature. Man is part of Nature. Man developed, evolved, lives on the Earth. Earth is planet number three of the Sun. Man as to mean Male, Female. Man, Woman. The magic number of Two. Without the number, life on Earth would Not be possible.

Charles Darwin.

From the "works" of charles darwin, alfred wallace, we know the life is billions of years old. From the discovery of the DNA. We know all life on Earth has a "universal descent". All life on Earth has a common ancestors. Charles Darwin in "Natural selection, Selection by Nature" unified Man and Nature. Nature and Man. Man is part of Nature. Man is Not seperate from Nature.
There are basically two "objects" on Earth.
1. Nature-made. Cars, airplanes, cities, light bulbs, pencil, pens, cell phones and computer. Man-made. Made by the hands of Man. Man meaning male-female. The magic number of Two that makes all life possible.
*****I, creator, of this blog, releases all "works" into the Public Domain******
1. Center of the world. center of the cosmos. How could humans, man, woman, child, think, they are center of the world. For 8000 years, human thought, thought they were center of the world.
This is the ultimate in human arrogance. Human are living on plant number three (#3) of the of the sun. The sun is a star the circles the Milky Way galaxy.
The milky way galaxy is one of billions of galaxies that each have billions of stars. From the "works" of copernicus, galileo, isaac newton, albert einstein, we know the earth is a planet that circles the sun.
The sun is a planet the circles the milky way galaxy. The earth is at least 4.5 billions years old. The cosmos is 13-15 billions years old.
How could anyone, for a minute think, they are at the center of the world. Center of the cosmos.
The earth is a tiny planet in a universe of billions, billions billions of galaxies each with billions billions of stars.

*****I, creator, of this blog, releases all "works" into the Public Domain******
1. Center of the world. center of the cosmos. How could humans, man, woman, child, think, they are center of the world. For 8000 years, human thought, thought they were center of the world.
This is the ultimate in human arrogance. Human are living on plant number three (#3) of the of the sun. The sun is a star the circles the Milky Way galaxy.
The milky way galaxy is one of billions of galaxies that each have billions of stars. From the "works" of copernicus, galileo, isaac newton, albert einstein, we know the earth is a planet that circles the sun.
The sun is a planet the circles the milky way galaxy. The earth is at least 4.5 billions years old. The cosmos is 13-15 billions years old.
How could anyone, for a minute think, they are at the center of the world. Center of the cosmos.
The earth is a tiny planet in a universe of billions, billions billions of galaxies each with billions billiosn of stars.
blog in public domain